Sunday, 14 December 2014


                                               BY ADOW JUBAT

                              FILE  PIC. Shidiye, Abass, Jama and Dahiye

The impeachment motion that was hanging over the neck of Garissa governor Nathif Jama like sword of Damocles will now be dropped following an urgent and a marathon meeting on the better part of Sunday.

The meeting that last for over 12 hours and held in Garissa by members of Nathif's clan discussed many things, but on the top of the agenda was, the motion that has been given the County chief a sleepless nights since it was first filed a week a go by vibrant Bananey MCA.

The motion which quickly garnered quickly unprecedented support among the majority of mcas was filed on the grounds over alleged violation of the constitution mainly particularly on the public procurement Act, where flagship projects majority roads, which are already washed away by the short rains were dished out procedurally.

The meeting was disrupted for many times as two camps emerged, one supporting the governor and other one blaming him. The camps, clashed with exchange of septic tongues. 

However, the meeting later resumed and progressed well, after clerics who were presented returned normalcy with recitations of several Surah and quotations of Hadith that seemingly soft the hearts.

The meeting has also endorsed Governor Nathif Jama to be the sole flag bearer for the Northerners comes 2017. The endorsement followed after the towering Governor requested from the gathering to give him a second and final chance to swivel on the coveted gubernatorial seat.

The mover of the impeachment motion Mohamed Siyad confirmed that he accepted to withdraw the motion with the immediate effect adding that, he considered the unity of the County as the Bill was generating a heated political debate in the County. 

However,impeccable sources Frontier Leaks embedded in the meeting said, the MCA was hard pressed by clan elders who put a prayers beads on his neck. In Somali tradition, that mean choising between curse and blessing.

Other leaders in attendance in the exclusive clan in-house meeting were Lagdera MP Mohamed Shidiye and his Dadaab counterpart Dr. Mohamed Dahiye. Majority of Northerners leaders, prominent elders and opinion leaders were also present

Garissa County assembly becomes the first assembly in Northern region to introduce a motion of impeachment against the Governor.

Nathif Jama served political hurdles after another since he made history to be the first governor in Garissa County. Shortly after his assumption of his office, his election was challenged leading him to hoping between his office and courtrooms.

Second come his crossing with swords with his tiny deputy Abdullahi Hussein who accused him of arrogance and reducing him to reviewing newspapers and filling crossworsds.

This was to be followed shortly by his difference with all MPs from the County. His difference with the lawmakers who also blamed him of disrespect was sorted out last month in a meeting held in Nomad and chaired by the septuagenarian Garissa senator Yussuf Hajji.

As this was resolved, the County assembly again revolted against Jama with same accusation that, the governor was a lone ranger.

Will this be the end of Jama’s political predicaments? Time will tell.  

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